Number of people: 1 - 8+, no real rule to how many people can feed ducks, but I'd recommend maybe under 8 as too many people can take some of the fun away.
Time of day: Day time activity or afternoon activity
Duration: 30min - 2 hours, just depends on how much bread you have and how many people.
Budget: $0 - $10
- Bread,
- Bread,
- and more Bread
Directions (its not rocket sciences how to feed ducks but here some help)
- Go to your local convenient store and buy some bread (we used 4 loafs for 5 people), you might think its alot of bread but its pretty fun and after the first loaf you'll want more.
- Find a place with ducks, the less people the better, we had a private wharf/jetty that our friend have at the back of their house.
- Feed the ducks, hang out with friends, talk, laugh while your at it and then feed some more.
- Try ripping them up into lots of small pieces and making it rain bread, its pretty fun.
Well that should last you a good 30mins - 2hours depending on how much bread you have, its a good way to hang out with your friends/family talk and have some nice peaceful time.
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