Monday, May 3, 2010

DIY Kites/Kite Flyin

Kite flying is something I've done when I'm bored and it's really fun once you get your kite in the air, I once flew a kite that took a whole 5kM roll of cotton string off, had to get binoculars to see my kite, and the good thing is once you've had enough fun you can just let the kite go if its too far gone since its only made with cheap materials.

On holiday during new years flying kites (I stole your photo Nichole cause I don't have one)

Number of people: 1+ , I'd recommend doing this at least one other person as doing anything alone is usually boring, but if your the type that likes to have some alone time then doing this by yourself is fine too.

Time of day: Day time activity, with light to moderate winds.

Duration: 30min - 2hrs+

Budget: $0 - $10

  • A4 or A3 paper
  • kebab sticks
  • A rubbish bag
  • Sellotape
  • Scissors (that can cut plastic bags and kebab sticks)
  • Cotton roll or any sort of light string at least 30 meters long

  1. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half.
  2. Fold the top layer towards the right so that the crease mark is at an angle. Exact dimensions are not important, try to leave one inch at the top and two inches at the bottom, and do some trial and error for best angles.
  3. You will get the basic kite shape.
  4. Place a long strip of tape and tape down the middle of the kite. This connects the two front flaps.
  5. Cut the kebab stick to length and place a across the top of the kite and tape it down corner to corner. If your making a A3 size kite you may need to join 2 kebab sticks together with sellotape to reach across the kite.
  6. 6. Turn the kite over and punch a hole (pointy side of the kebab stick works well) in the middle flap about 1/3 of the way down and about 1 or 2cm in so the paper won't rip easily. Make sure you don't disfigure the paper too much during this process . Then tie the string through the hole.
  7. Fold the middle flap towards the right. Wiggle it back and forth a little until it stands upright
  8. Turn the kite over and attach streamers (1 to 3) with sellotape at the bottom of the kite. If you have 3 you want them about 8mm (roughly) wide if you have 1 you want it about 15mm (roughly) wide. A tail that is 5 to 6 feet long flys very well. A tail that's 3 feet also works well, the tail is for balancing the kite to help prevent spinning.
  9. You can decorate them if you want with felts coloured pencils etc (usually girls want to), sometimes they break quiet fast and turns out a waste of time decorating them.
  10. Now your ready to take it out side, start running against the wind, with a short bit of string and slowly let more out, once you've got it in the air maintain a bit of tension to keep the kite sitting right in the air, if the kite is pulling let more string out.

Hope you have fun!!

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