Thursday, February 9, 2012

Out for Coffee

I guess I'm the type of person who likes to socialize a lot, so naturally have a talk over coffee is great fun, and enjoyable.

Number of people: 1+

Time of day: Day or Night

Duration: 1 - 2hours

Budget: $5 - $30 (depending on if you get food or not)

Its coffee... don't need any instructions just drive/bus/taxi/train/walk (what ever your mode of transport is) to the coffee shop and sit drink and talk about lots of crap.


If you're not a coffee drinker there's always hot chocolate, tea, and other stuff. If you don't know any good coffee shops, I'd recommend looking up reviews of coffee shops before you go, do a quick Google search.

If you're going at night time make sure the cafe you're going to is open at night, most cafe's close in the afternoon, but there are night time cafes.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Board Games!

Another one of those things everyone already knows about but don't think about sometimes when they're bored. Yet again not for everyone but most people like one or 2 board games, heres some ideas and guidelines to help you out.

Number of people: 3-10 (not many board games support more than 10, OK a 2 person board games is just sad so I'd recommend 3+)

Time of day: Anytime, but I'd recommend rainy days or night time.

Duration: 2 hours - 5 hours

Budget: $0 - $100 (depending on if your going to buy a board game or not)


-The board game, here are some common ones which are good fun.
  • Monopoly - Good game but sometimes people get too competitive
  • Cranium - Good fun and all round game for everyone, some funny out comes.
  • Risk - A old classic, more for the boys but do suit some girls
  • Pictionary - You get some good laughs from the pictures
  • Cludo - Another good all round detective game
  • Settlers - Very fun to play, a little like risk mixed with monopoly
- Some snacks and drinks


Remember its a game don't get all worked up over it, have fun, kill some time.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leave town for a few days

Camping or just leaving town for a few days is quiet fun, a snow trip, camping in the woods, on the beach, fishing trip etc, I usually go away about 3 times a year and its quiet fun, nice to get away from usual life.

Number of people: 2+

Time of day: All

Duration: 1+ Nights

Budget: $100+

Equipment: I'm sure you know what camping or renting a Bach is and how to do it so I won't go into detail too much but here are a few things which would come in handy.
  • bug spray
  • togs
  • night games
  • music
  • night light
  • food
  • spending money


No real explaining needed really, just find a place to stay, find some stuff outside town to do and go do it. Realistically its going to cost you $100+ after gas, accommodation food, activities etc, plan for it.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Girlfriend magazine for old people (18+ not cause its rude lol).

OK so I guess you could say I was real bored on this one and it started off as a joke, but turned out to be a good hour and a half of good fun and laughter and a bit of blast from the past memories.

By the way, this isn't really for anyone still in there teens, well mainly anyone under 18 or still in high school else it won't be as fun cause your still in your teenage phase.

Number of people: 2+ you definitely can't do this by yourself and one of these people has to be at least a girl.

Time of day: Day or night

Duration: 30min - 2hours

Budget: $5 - $20


  • 1 Girlfriend magazine (or any other trashy teenage magazine)
  • a packet or 2 of lollies
  • some chippies (chips)
I'm do most stuff with food so you may see food in everything I do (food is just a social language)

Guidelines: (this is pretty easy but its part of my blogs structure so just read)

OK so this is pretty simple, pretty much you go to your local supermarket or convenient store buy some trashy teen magazine, some lollies and other snacks and then read the magazine.

Its pretty fun and funny cause at some point you were a teen, and reading the magazine will probably bring back memories laughing at our own teenage hood, and how dumb we were in high school. Reading this you realize how much you've changed and how much of an idiot you were, teenage crushes, silly things you did to impress people or fit in, laughing at how super naive you were...And if you really didn't pick any of these up then you can just laugh at the teens these days and think "is this what teens are really getting up to these days?" any ways either way I'm sure you'll have a good time reading the magazine.

Have some fun!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hanging out under the stars

This is something I do a bit, and something I really enjoy, its something you can do by yourself, with a group of friends or with that special someone. I'd definitely recommend this to those who like to talk or if you like quiet time.

Number of people: 1+, this is nice for some alone time or to hang out with your friends/family.

Time of day: Evening twilight till early morning

Duration: 30min - 3hours+

budget $0 - $20

Equipment (recommended but not needed)

  • Candle in a glass jar (as the wind will blow out a normal candle) or lantern
  • Blankets and mats (can get cold, not really needed in the summer)
  • Insect repellent (if your the type that gets bitten buy mossy like me)
  • Food/snacks (always goes with talking, hot foods or deserts are the best nuggets, chips etc)
  • MP3 player (if your having some alone time)
  • Wine, beer (a few quiet drinks)

  1. Get your supply, food candles, insect repents etc. Food wise I'd recommend

    Hot food
    • nuggets
    • hot chips
    • dumplings

      Cold food
    • ice cream cones (pick some up from the petrol station the the way if you are driving)
    • cakes
    • apple pie
    • finger fruit (cherry's, grapes, strawberry's)

      A lot this stuff you can pick up at a late night fish 'n' chips shop or fast food outlet

      Some wine and beers also goes well or just some juice, remember to drink responsibly if you are driving (and also if your not).
  2. Find a nice spot under the stars where no one else is (or not many), recommended places includes
    • beach
    • wharf/jetty
    • mountain top (easy access one, maybe one that over looks the city)
    • parks
    • playgrounds
    • backyard
    • roof top
    • farm
  3. Light the candle(s)/lantern set some mood lighting
  4. Hangout, talk, eat think what ever you like
Remember to take any rubbish if you have any.

Hope you have some nice alone time or some nice socializing with your friends/family :D

Duck feeding

So as again, nothing much to hanging out on a friends wharf and saw some ducks come along so we fed them, was some good fun.

Number of people: 1 - 8+, no real rule to how many people can feed ducks, but I'd recommend maybe under 8 as too many people can take some of the fun away.

Time of day: Day time activity or afternoon activity

Duration: 30min - 2 hours, just depends on how much bread you have and how many people.

Budget: $0 - $10


  • Bread,
  • Bread,
  • and more Bread

Directions (its not rocket sciences how to feed ducks but here some help)

  1. Go to your local convenient store and buy some bread (we used 4 loafs for 5 people), you might think its alot of bread but its pretty fun and after the first loaf you'll want more.
  2. Find a place with ducks, the less people the better, we had a private wharf/jetty that our friend have at the back of their house.
  3. Feed the ducks, hang out with friends, talk, laugh while your at it and then feed some more.
  4. Try ripping them up into lots of small pieces and making it rain bread, its pretty fun.

Well that should last you a good 30mins - 2hours depending on how much bread you have, its a good way to hang out with your friends/family talk and have some nice peaceful time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Make Waffles

OK, so I had nothing much to do last night so I got together with a buncha friends to make waffles. They turned out amazing, and super delicious. Hope you enjoy.

Number of people: 1+

Duration: 1.5-3hours

Budget: $0 - $20 depending on what you already have at home

Recipe I found at after looking at a few others this one had the best review rating of 4.5/5, and man were they amazing I'd give this recipe 5/5. Best Waffles I'd ever had and even better cause we did it ourselves. They are deliciously fluffly and crispy on the outside. This recipe is a bit more complicated than most, so remember to follow the recipe closely and make sure your yeast isn't past the used by date (cause ours was and it didn't work so we had to buy some more yeast). If your good at baking then this should be simple for you.

Other notes before you start

-This recipe makes enough to feed about 6 about 2 big waffles each.

-Do a few test on different temperatures we used a mid-high setting on our waffle iron, the hottest setting seemed to cook the outside too fast leaving the inside slightly under cook.

-We used a Breville waffle iron (looks like this),


  • 7 g active dry yeast
  • 60 ml warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 650 ml warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
  • 170 g butter, melted and cooled to lukewarm
  • 100 g white sugar (100 g is the standard amount form the recipe, we liked it a tad sweeter so we put another 2 table spoons in (about another 50g)
  • 9 g salt
  • 10 ml vanilla extract
  • 500 g all-purpose flour
  • 3 egg whites


  1. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in 1/4 cup warm milk. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, 1/4 cup of the warm milk and the melted butter. Stir in the yeast mixture, sugar, salt and vanilla. Stir in the remaining 2 1/2 cups milk alternately with the flour, ending with the flour. Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks; fold into the batter. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
  3. Preheat the waffle iron. Brush with oil and spoon about 1/2 cup (or as recommended by manufacturer) onto center of iron. Close the lid and bake until it stops steaming and the waffle is golden brown. Serve immediately or keep warm in 200 degree oven.
  4. Serve with your favorite toppings, ice cream, berries, cream, sauces, syrups.
Hope you loved them as much as I did.